
Cogito, ergo sum


Unity: Resources from the Network

Let’s talk about uploading remote resources to a Unity3d application. There are a lot of materials on this topic on the Web, but in many of them the information is either already outdated or has significant shortcomings, which will be discussed in this article.


While working on the VR project Panoramic View, I set myself the task of making downloading content for this application as flexible and convenient as possible. The main concept was the ability to add new locations with panoramic views without updating the entire app. In Unity3d there is a class UnityWebRequest that helps to load various types of resources from the Internet.

In addition to images, sounds, and videos, I needed to load and position interactive elements to make transitions between locations. This could be done by using procedural generation, loading a json file with the coordinates of the transitions and the identifier of the new location. But why make a new data structure when all this is in the scenes in the most visual form. So I started looking for the possibility of loading scenes, and as it turned out, there was such a possibility. To do this, use AssetBundles, they can be used to load many different entities into Unity3d, including entire scenes.

The developers provided the ability to download all the resources via AssetBundle, but this turned out to be inefficient because it took a considerable time to unpack even small images. Therefore, to load media resources, it turned out to be optimal to use specialized methods provided by the UnityWebRequest class. The article Working with external resources in Unity3D helped me a lot to organize the loading of resources from external sources. Its author Ichimitsu told me how to make this process as fast as possible, for which I am very grateful to him!

What’s wrong with Coroutine

In the standard documentation, you are offered to take out the loading process in Coroutine:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;

public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

    IEnumerator GetText()
        using (UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(""))
            yield return uwr.SendWebRequest();

            if (uwr.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                // Get downloaded asset bundle
                AssetBundle bundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(uwr);

This allows other processes to run in parallel with loading, but it’s no secret that Coroutine is executed in the main thread. Accordingly, such resource loading loads the main thread, and the more the thread is loaded, the slower the downloads become. I noticed this when I decided to animate the visualization of the image download progress. The second significant disadvantage of Coroutine is that the try-catch-finallyconstruction does not work in them. This complicates the handling of errors, which are not uncommon when working with the network.

To solve these problems, _asynchronous methods_will come to the rescue. In them, I took out the loading of resources from the main stream.

Asynchronous methods in C#

An asynchronous method has the following features:

An asynchronous method, like a normal one, can use any number of parameters or not use them at all. However, the asynchronous method cannot define parameters with the out and ref modifiers.

It is also worth noting that the word async, which is specified in the method definition, does not automatically make the method asynchronous. It only indicates that this method can contain one or more await expressions.


To interact with the remote server, I decided to create a static class Network in which I defined the main methods for loading various types of resources.

Method name Implemented function
SendWebRequest It is used for interaction with the network: sending requests and receiving data.
GetSize It is used to find out the size of a file in external storage.
GetText It is intended for downloading files in text format.
GetData Allows you to get data from the network in the form of a `byte ‘ masiiv.
GetTexture Implements downloading images with the ability to save them to the cache.
GetAudioClip Provides downloading of an audio recording with the ability to save it to the cache.
GetVideoStream Provides the address of the video file to play as a stream.
GetAssetBundle Loads pre-prepared AssetBundle files.
GetAssetBundleVersion Determines the current version AssetBundle.
GetHash128 It is used to extract the hash from the manifest
GetCachedPath Used to get the path to the encrypted file, if any.

Methods for downloading cached resources (other than GetAssetBundle) use methods provided by the ResourceCache static class. ResourceCache helps you store data in your device’s memory and interact with it. It is discussed in detail in the Unity3d: Saving data on the device.


The main one for the Network class is the private asynchronous method WebRequest, which is used to load data from the network. As arguments, it accepts a pre-prepared Unity Web Request, CancellationTokenSource, Action<float>.

private static async Task<UnityWebRequest> WebRequest(UnityWebRequest request, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken = null, System.Action<float> progress = null)
    while (!Caching.ready)
        if (cancelationToken != null && cancelationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            return null;
        await Task.Yield();

#pragma warning disable CS4014
#pragma warning restore CS4014

    while (!request.isDone)
        if (cancelationToken != null && cancelationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            return null;
            await Task.Yield();

    return request;

As you can see, the method body starts with a loop waiting for the cache to be ready. Next, the request itself is sent: request.Send WebRequest(). After that, a loop is executed waiting for the execution of this very request. During this loop, the progress of this operation is passed to the calling method via Action<float>. And at the end of the method, the request is returned to the calling method.

In order for the process of waiting for the cache and executing the request to occur asynchronously, a call await Task.Yield() was added to the loops, the async modifier was added to the method name, and the returned UnityWebRequest was wrapped in Task<>. About await Task.Yield() I learned from the article Looking into Unity’s async/await. Previously, I used to call await new WaitForEndOfFrame() from the AsyncAwaitUtil plugin instead, but decided to abandon it in order to reduce external dependencies.

In addition, in both loops, the cancellationtoken.IsCancellationRequested flag is checked, through which the method can be informed about the need to abort the execution of operations and return null.


This method is used to find out the size of a file in external storage. Accepts a string with the file url as the only argument.

public static async Task<long> GetSize(string url)
    UnityWebRequest request = await SendWebRequest(UnityWebRequest.Head(url));
    var contentLength = request.GetResponseHeader("Content-Length");
    if (long.TryParse(contentLength, out long returnValue))
        return returnValue;
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + request.error + " " + url);

The method asynchronously sends a ‘Unity Web Request’ request to get the header and waits for it to be executed. Once the request is executed, from it using the GetResponseHeader("Content-Length") method text is extracted, which is converted to chilo by the long.TryParse method. The number is returned to the calling method as Task<long>.


This method allows you to download files in text format. Accepts a string with the file url as the only argument.

public static async Task<string> GetText(string url)
    var uwr = await SendWebRequest(UnityWebRequest.Get(url));
    if (uwr != null && !uwr.isHttpError && !uwr.isNetworkError)
        return uwr.downloadHandler.text;
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.url);

This method allows you to download files in text format. Accepts a string with the file url as the only argument.When this method is called, the standard UnityWebRequest request is sent asynchronously and is expected to be executed. After the request is executed, the text is extracted from it and returned as a string.


The getData method allows you to get data from the network in the form of a byte array. As input, it accepts the file url as a string, a token to interrupt the download, and an Action to display the download progress.

public static async Task<byte[]> GetData(string url, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken, System.Action<float> progress = null)
    UnityWebRequest uwr = await SendWebRequest(UnityWebRequest.Get(url), cancelationToken, progress);
    if (uwr != null && !uwr.isHttpError && !uwr.isNetworkError)
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.uri);

The method sends a request via the Send WebRequest method described earlier. The method is also asynchronous, and the output is a Task with a byte array.


The method for getting an image in the form of Texture 2D, takes as arguments a string with a url, CancelationToken, Action to display progress, and a flag indicating whether to cache the uploaded image or not.

public static async Task<Texture2D> GetTexture(string url, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken, System.Action<float> progress = null, bool caching = true)
    string path = await url.GetCachedPath();
    bool isCached = path.Contains("file://");
    UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(path);

    UnityWebRequest uwr = await SendWebRequest(request, cancelationToken, isCached? null : progress);
    if (uwr != null && !uwr.isHttpError && !uwr.isNetworkError)
        Texture2D texture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(uwr); = Path.GetFileName(uwr.url);
        if (caching && !isCached) 
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogWarning("[Netowrk] error: " + e.Message);
        return texture;
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.uri);

In this method, a specialized request is used to download the image UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url). In addition, before sending the request, the presence of this file in the device memory is checked. To do this, use the extension method GetCachedPath(this string path). If a file with the same name and the same size is located on a similar local path, the url is substituted for the path to this file. Метод возвращает объект типа Texture2D, обёрнутый в Task.The method returns an object of type Texture2D wrapped in a Task.


The method for storing an audio file in the form of AudioClip, takes as arguments a string with a url, CancelationToken, Action to display progress, a flag indicating whether to cache the downloaded audio file or not, and AudioType, which determines the format of the audio recording. Preferred format: OGG

public static async Task<AudioClip> GetAudioClip(string url, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken, System.Action<float> progress = null, bool caching = true, AudioType audioType = AudioType.OGGVORBIS)
    string path = await url.GetCachedPath();
    bool isCached = path.Contains("file://");
    UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(path, audioType);
    UnityWebRequest uwr = await SendWebRequest(request, cancelationToken, isCached ? null : progress);
    if (uwr != null && !uwr.isHttpError && !uwr.isNetworkError)
        AudioClip audioClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(uwr); = Path.GetFileName(uwr.url);
        if (caching && !isCached)
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogWarning("[Netowrk] error: " + e.Message);
        return audioClip;
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.uri);

This method uses a specialized request to download an audio file: UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(url, audioType). In addition, before sending the request, the presence of this file in the device memory is checked. To do this, use the extension method: GetCachedPath(this string paht). If a file with the same name and the same size is located on a similar local path, the url is substituted for the path to this file. The method returns an object of the AudioClip type wrapped in a Task.


The method provides the path to the video file on the device if it was previously cached. Takes as arguments a string with a url, cancelationToken, Action to display the progress, and a flag indicating whether to cache the downloaded audio file or not.

private delegate void AsyncOperation();

public static async Task<string> GetVideoStream(string url, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken, System.Action<float> progress = null, bool caching = true)
    string path = await url.GetCachedPath();
    if (!path.Contains("file://"))
        AsyncOperation cachingVideo = async delegate {
                if (caching && ResourceCache.CheckFreeSpace(await GetSize(url)))
                    ResourceCache.Caching(url, await GetData(url, cancelationToken, progress));
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogWarning("[Netowrk] error: " + e.Message);
        return url;
    else { return path; }

The method first checks whether this file is in the device memory. If a file with the same name and size is located in a similar local path, the path to the file on the device is returned. If there is no such file, the file url is returned and the file upload process is started on the device in parallel. The download takes place using the GetData method in the predefined AsyncOperation delegate, so as not to wait for the video to load on the device. I tried running the data download in a separate Task, using Task.Run (), but it didn’t work. In general, this approach of downloading and playing videos does not claim to be the most effective, but I have not yet been able to come up with a better one. The file address is returned as a string, and it is used to play streaming videos using VideoPlayer.

Note: For a video file to play successfully, it must match the streaming video format, and the web server you are connecting to must match the HLS(HTTP Live Streaming) protocol.


This method is used for loading pre-prepared AssetBundle files. Takes as arguments a string with a url, cancellationToken, Action to display the progress, and a flag indicating whether to cache the downloaded audio file or not.

public static async Task<AssetBundle> GetAssetBundle(string url, CancellationTokenSource cancelationToken, System.Action<float> progress = null, bool caching = true)
    UnityWebRequest request;
    CachedAssetBundle cachedAssetBundle = await GetCachedAssetBundle(url);
    if (Caching.IsVersionCached(cachedAssetBundle) || (caching && ResourceCache.CheckFreeSpace(await GetSize(url))))
        request = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url, cachedAssetBundle, 0);
        request = UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle(url)

    UnityWebRequest uwr = await SendWebRequest(request, cancelationToken, Caching.IsVersionCached(cachedAssetBundle)? null : progress);
    if (uwr != null && !uwr.isHttpError && !uwr.isNetworkError)
        AssetBundle assetBundle = DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.GetContent(uwr);
            if (caching) 
                // Deleting old versions from the cache
                Caching.ClearOtherCachedVersions(, cachedAssetBundle.hash);
        return assetBundle;
        throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.uri);

First, the method checks for a previously cached version of AssetBundle using the auxiliary method GetAssetBundleVersion(Uri uri) provided below. If there is a cached version that matches the one stored at the specified link, then it is loaded. If there are no matches, the AssetBundle version is downloaded from the network. Кэшируется новая версия или нет, зависит от состояния флага caching. Whether the new version is cached or not depends on the state of the caching flag. This flag also determines whether previously downloaded versions will be deleted. The method returns an AssetBundle wrapped in a Task.


An auxiliary method that helps determine the current version of AssetBundle. Accepts a string with a url as the only argument.

private static async Task<CachedAssetBundle> GetAssetBundleVersion(string url)
    Hash128 hash = default;
    string localPath = new System.Uri(url).LocalPath;
        string manifest = await GetText(url + ".manifest");
        hash = GetHashFromManifest(manifest);
        return new CachedAssetBundle(localPath, hash);
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.LogWarning("[Netowrk] error: " + e.Message);
        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(url.ConvertToCachedPath());
        if (dir.Exists)
            System.DateTime lastWriteTime = default;
            foreach (var item in dir.GetDirectories())
                if (lastWriteTime < item.LastWriteTime)
                    if (hash.isValid && hash != default) 
                        Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, hash.ToString()), true);
                    lastWriteTime = item.LastWriteTime;
                    hash = Hash128.Parse(item.Name);
                else { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, item.Name), true); }
            return new CachedAssetBundle(localPath, hash);
            throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: Nothing was found in the cache for " + url);

Before searching for the required up-to-date version of AssetBundle on the device, the method accesses the AssetBundle manifest file to extract the hash from it. If the hash is successfully loaded, the method packs it into the CachedAssetBundle structure and returns it. If the manifest failed to load, the method searches for the cached versions on the device and returns the hash packed in the CachedAssetBundle structure of the last one, if any.

I chose the CachedAssetBundle structure because, in addition to the hash, it contains the path to the AssetBundle file, which reduces the risk of collisions if the file names match.

Attention: When caching files with the same name and local address, a collision will occur and only the last downloaded file will be cached. This situation may occur if only the domain names differ in the addresses of the uploaded files..


A helper method that is used to extract the hash from the AssetBundle manifest. Accepts a string with the url of the manifest file as the only argument.

private static Hash128 GetHash128(this string str)
    var hashRow = str.Split("\n".ToCharArray())[5];
    var hash = Hash128.Parse(hashRow.Split(':')[1].Trim());
    if (hash.isValid && hash != default) { return hash; }
    else { throw new Exception("[Netowrk] error: couldn't extract hash from manifest."); }


Method for getting the path to the cached file, if any. Accepts a string with the file url as the only argument.

private static async Task<string> GetCachedPath(this string url)
    string path = url.ConvertToCachedPath();
    if (File.Exists(path))
            if (new FileInfo(path).Length != await GetSize(url)) { return url; }
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogWarning("[Netowrk] error: " + e.Message); 
        return "file://" + path;
    else return url;

When the method is called, the url is converted to the path to the file, and if it is located there, its size is compared with the size of the file in the external storage. If the dimensions match, the method returns the path to the file as a string, if not, it returns the utl address.

I have created a separate repository with examples so that you can test them. You can also use Saving data on the device for Unity3d in your project by adding this repository as a submodule:

git submodule add

Thank you for reading to the end, I hope this will be useful to you :)

tags: c# - unity3d

2021-04-04 07:00