
Cogito, ergo sum


1. Purpose of the program

The Health Control app is designed to monitor your health status according to the main vital indicators. Such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and blood sugar levels.

1.1. Input data

The user must enter the following parameters:

1.2. Output data

Based on the collected data, the user is provided with:

1.3. Supported Platforms

2. Project structure

Class name The contents of the file
MainActivity Contains the source code of the main window displayed when the application is launched
SPrefManager Creating and managing app settings
Database It is used for creating and managing the SQLite database
DBLoader Implements loading of metric values from the database
EntriesList Implements data display in TabLayout
Graphics Implements graph display in TabLayout
GraphViewManager Controls the display of graphs of changes in indicators
Statistics Implements statistics display in TabLayout
StatisticsModel Data model for storing statistics in RAM
StatisticsLoader Implements getting statistical data from the application database
onUIEventListener Interface for getting data from the user
AddNewEntry Thank you for your interest
AddBloodPressureEntry Allows you to add blood pressure and heart rate values to the list of indicators
AddGlucoseEntry Allows you to add glucose and heart rate values to the list of indicators
AddTemperatureEntry Allows you to add temperature and heart rate values to the list of indicators
ViewPagerAdapter Implements the display of fragments in the TabLayout

3. Graphical user interface

The graphical user interface has been developed in accordance with the standards Material Design(the graphic design style for software and application interfaces developed by Google).

3.1. Home Screen

On the home screen, in the form of a TabLayout, you will see: list of indicators, graphs of changes in indicators, statistics:

3.2. Entering parameters

You can add an entry to the list of indicators by clicking the round button in the lower right corner. In order for the user to easily distinguish one parameter from another, adding new values is implemented using various interfaces:

4. Toolbar

On the home screen via toolbox, you can open the navigation bar or the time interval filter using the toolbar:

The Navigation View panel contains the main menu of the app. You can use it to switch between blood pressure, temperature, and blood sugar levels.

The date filter is a dialog box that allows you to display a list of indicator values for the last week, month, year, or all the time.

Thank you for your interest! :)

tags: java - android - studies
